This green juice is easy to make because virtually any juicer will extract a lot of liquid out of the vegetables. It’s also delicious, and a godsend when you want juice but your baby won’t give you more than a few minutes to make your morning elixir. The optional chlorella cleanses breastmilk of toxins.
As I explain in my book The Milky Way: The Ultimate Guide to Breastfeeding on the Raw Food Diet (available on Amazon), chlorella has been found in a Japanese study to clean breastmilk very well. It is a great addition to any diet, even during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, because even though chlorella is detoxifying, it does not dump toxins into the bloodstream, but instead binds to them and eliminates them in the digestive process. You can refer to the chapters on chlorella in The Milky Way for more information.
My favorite juicer is the Hurom single auger.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Galactogogue Green Juice
1 large cucumber
1 bunch of kale
1 large lemon, peeled
1 large chunk ginger, or to taste
1 fennel bulb
5 celery stalks
1 inch whole aloe vera leaf
1 tsp. chlorella powder (optional)
Juice all the ingredients ending with the celery, and stir in the chlorella. Enjoy immediately.