To All Parents Who Want To Banish Stress and Start Enjoying Life But Can’t Get Started… Yes, Even While Quarantined!
- Are you tired of waking up every morning still emotionally drained from the day before?
- Are you sick and tired of constantly playing catch up with the laundry and the dishes and the sweeping and the scrubbing?
- Do you sometimes wonder if you might be depressed but doctors insist there’s nothing wrong with you?
- Do you know the basics of gentle parenting but can’t seem to effectively use them when everyone is losing it?
- Do you feel like the glue keeping your family together, but nobody is there to keep YOU from falling apart?
- Do you long to once again feel the joy you felt when your newborn first looked into your eyes?

Mama, I am just like you, a busy mom of 2 rambunctious boys who keep me on my toes 24/7. On top of it, I am a single mom, one of my children is high needs, and I run my own business from home. I am an idealizer of the past, when living in communities was undoubtedly easier, and mothers were not so isolated. Continuum Concept, anyone?
I am also a master organizer and housekeeping ninja because I am L A Z Y and I want to spend my awake time enjoying my children while they’re little rather than battle piles of dishes like Don Quixote battles his windmills.
And because I lost 2 years of my life to depression and anxiety a few years ago, I will not accept anything less than bliss and deep, profound joy ever again. You don’t have to settle either!
Ready to Embark on a Rejuvenating Retreat Without the Price Tag and Without Leaving Your Family?
Are you ready to:
- Wake up every morning to the coziest, most comforting home ever so that every day starts out on the right foot?
- Use the power of your mind to be a better parent?
- Feel anger rise and collapse in seconds like an over baked soufflé so that you can actually use the peaceful parenting advice you’ve read a million times already?
- Keep a peaceful mind and a hygge home without struggles?
- Find joy in parenting, joy that diminished or disappeared years ago, so that you get to enjoy your children’s fleeting childhood?
Announcing… the revolutionary no-toxin course that kills martyrdom parenting for ever!
Normally $199, I am having a special discount during the initial launch period!
The bottom line is this.
Banish Overwhelm! is the only course I have ever seen that tackles your environment and the untapped power of your brain to make your life sweeter than cotton candy, more comforting than a warm bed and hot cocoa while a storm rages outside, and more joyful than coming home to a house your partner and kids scrubbed from top to bottom without you even asking, and all while you were at the spa.
Taking this course is like reading 50 books a week on parenting, but in a tiny fraction of the time, and you can actually remember and apply what you’ve learned!
This will work for you even if you:
- Are a full time mom to 8 children
- Think only moms genetically gifted with crazy patience and selflessness can be peaceful parents
- Feel like you can’t think straight because your home is overtaken by toys and everything “children”
- Have no time, no nanny, and no hope
This is finally how you can be the parent you always thought you could be, using time tested but forgotten or underutilized tools. You and your kids deserve nothing less!

But don’t take it from me. Here’s what some of the moms who worked for me have to say about my work:
I absolutely loved this video! Thank you for answering my questions! I got so much out of the parts about organizing, easy food, and peace of mind. I struggle so much with my mind sometimes, being married to a perfectionist that I could never seem to please. I’m recovering from a lot but I finally have the mind set for change. Thank you for sharing this I information, it’s really easy to forget when life is rushing by.
Joanna’s recipes are so delicious, creative, super healthy and easy! She has made cooking healthy meals for my family a joyful experience.
Thank you for the guided meditation! I loved it!
Joanna is a real life mother who has been through it and is not just teaching nutrition theory. You can tell she deeply understands the ins and outs. She gives practical solutions to real life challenges mothers face.
Great things are happening inside of me, I am more committed than before, so thank you for giving me that feeling. I am more aware and feel more present. It is awesome, I know that I am on the right track, I can’t even image how great a place I will be in, in a few weeks!
For the cost of this program, you could buy a couple pairs of sweatshop pants, or get take-out for one evening, or maybe buy a few toys your children will play with a couple times and never look at again.
Or you could invest in your emotional well-being and dramatically increase the peace and love in your household, all for less than a single hour with a therapist!
Please note! Because I will be giving each participant 1:1 coaching, spots are limited.
I want to give each participant my full attention and tailored coaching, so the program will be closed for sign-ups as soon as capacity is reached.
In addition, I am big on creating new stuff and retiring the old to focus on what I feel moms need RIGHT NOW. This means there’s no guarantee I’ll offer this program more than twice a year. There might not be a later!
What you will be getting after signing up:
- A weekly video with full transcript targeting one key issue every mom faces and how to fix it for good
- Incredibly effective and extremely quick weekly brain resets you can do every single day and won’t take more than 5 minutes in audio format with full transcript
- Weekly support to help you stay on track
- A 1:1 coaching session with Joanna upon completion of the program
And that’s not all! You will also get:
- Exclusive interviews with experts in the fields of parenting, happiness, meditation, marriage/relationships that will be conducted based on YOUR questions so you get answers to your specific issues
- All key points beautifully summarized as phone lock screens or a print so you have the lessons still speaking to you after the lesson is over
- Exclusive complimentary access to Joanna’s popular program Remineralize Your Body Now, featuring exclusive recipes and classes on traditional Chinese medicine, superfoods, juicing, cultured foods, and more to further your healing process at your own time
- An interactive Facebook group where you will have direct access to Joanna and get the brainstorm with other participants
Frequently Asked Questions
I already had no time before the stay home orders, but now it’s worse! I don’t have time to take the course.
You can take it at your own pace. The daily “homework” does not take more than 10 minutes, and you can do it all in a single day. You can literally read the material a few minutes at a time here and there, like you and I check Facebook and Instagram. If you can do one, you can do the other, promise!
I’ve heard there’s meditation in there! Is that true? I can’t do it!
PLOT TWIST! I dove deep into the meditation stuff and came back with the stuff that really helps moms. There won’t be any sitting on a cushion for 15 minutes emptying your mind. No, mama. I know where you’re coming from, and you’ll come out of this saying “I can do it!” – or you get your money back.
Is there really a money back guarantee?
Yes, there is! I wouldn’t offer it if I didn’t feel so confident that my years and years of research will help you. Even Amazon won’t refund your disappointing Kindle book after a few days. But I’ll refund your course, if you give it a shot and decide it’s really not for you.
No, I don’t have a fancy office space to show you how successful I am (I don’t even have an office!), and I do have this funny but hopefully cute French accent you will discover as soon as you take the course. But I have the tools to teach you to finally relax and love the strange parenting journey we’re on.
This is a how NOT TO system. How NOT TO slave away like your family’s unpaid housekeeper and cook. How NOT TO waste valuable years feeling unhappy and riddled with anxiety. How NOT TO look back and be filled with regrets.
Join me! We start next month. Is there a more perfect time to give yourself the gift of joy? We start May 24th after Mother’s Day.